Vanilla Sweet Grass

Hierochloe odorata

Sweet Grass is a cool-season grass that spreads easily by rhizome to form a patch. Known for its aromatic vanilla-scented leaves, it is used in indigenous North American ceremonies to attract …

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Plants 3" Pots Sold Out
1-4 $7.99 ea.
5-10 $6.99 ea.
11-31 $5.99 ea.
32+ $4.99 ea.
Availability: Sold out
Cultural Details
Soil Type Clay, Loam, Sand
Soil Moisture Medium, Moist
Sun Exposure Full Sun
Height 1' - 2'
Bloom Color Green, Cream
Bloom Time July, Aug
Spacing 1'
Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Root Type Rhizome

Sweet Grass is a cool-season grass that spreads easily by rhizome to form a patch. Known for its aromatic vanilla-scented leaves, it is burned and used ceremonially in North American indigenous cultures to attract good spirits. It can be harvested, braided and burned as ‘smudge.’  

Occurring naturally in wetlands, or prairies and savannas with medium-wet soils, Sweet Grass requires a rich moist soil and at least 6 hours sun a day. Heirochloe odorata is somewhat aggressive and should be planted where it can spread naturally, as it can be difficult to remove it, once it becomes established.

Botanical Synonyms
Anthoxanthum hirtum