The graceful arching foliage of Prairie Cordgrass cuts a fine figure in summer and then turns a bright gold in autumn. Found in moist prairies and wetlands this fast-growing native grass is excellent for stabilizing fresh soil around ponds, or …
The graceful arching foliage of Prairie Cordgrass cuts a fine figure in summer and then turns a bright gold in autumn. Found in moist prairies and wetlands this fast-growing native grass is excellent for stabilizing fresh soil around ponds, or streambanks in full sun. Install plants two feet on center, and apply a mulch or fabric between plants to prevent erosion during establishment. In two years the area will be a solid mat of Cordgrass that defies erosion.
It prefers wet soil, but Spartina pectinata does tolerate occasional dry conditions. The leaves, up to six feet tall, can reach eight feet when the grass blooms. This wetland grass provides ecosystem services for a variety of birds that eat its seeds, and a dense stand of Spartina offers nesting habitat for other inhabitants.
Prairie Cordgrass is a larval host plant for Least Skipper (Ancyloxypha numitor), and the Long-Streaked Tussock Moth (Leucanopsis longa).
Seeding Rates for a Solid Stand of Prairie Cordgrass • 5 Oz. per 1000 square feet • 12 Lb. per acre
Native plants can be grown outside of their native range in the appropriate growing conditions. This map shows the native range, as well as the introduced range, of this species.
Plant Shipping Rates: for plant orders up to $50 the shipping amount is $9.95. For plant orders from $50.01 and over, the shipping rate is 20% of the total plant cost.
Fall plant-shipping begins on September 9, 2024. The last day to order your plants for fall shipment is September 29.
During checkout, you will be asked to choose a Shipping Week for your plant delivery, from the dates that are available. The week that you choose will be included in your order confirmation email. When your plants ship you will receive an email that includes your tracking information.
What is the seeding rate for a solid stand of Prairie Cordgrass?
The seeding rate for Prairie Cordgrass, for a solid stand (of a single species), is: • 5 oz. per 1000 sq. ft., or • 12 lb. per acre.
When seeding two or more grasses together, divide the seeding rate for each species by the number of species to be planted. When seeding grasses and flowers together, use one-half to two-thirds of the recommended grass seeding rate, depending upon your desired balance of flowers to grasses.
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