Habitat & Biodiversity

Underplanting for Life Cycle Completion
If your yard includes native trees and shrubs there are landscaping steps you can take to increase their ecological role, and impact local biodiversity …
Planting for Pollinators
The best way to support pollinators is with a variety of flowering native plants, offering nectar and pollen throughout the growing season...
Host Plants for Butterflies & Moths
Critically important to the life cycle of many butterflies and moths, native plants are preferred both as host plants for caterpillars and as nectar for adult butterflies and moths …
How to Support Monarch Butterflies
Monarch butterflies need both host plants (Milkweeds) and nectar plants, to complete their life cycle, survive through the summer, and sustain their migrations.
What is a Keystone Species?
The term KEYSTONE SPECIES has been around for decades and refers to species with significant influence on the natural environment and the survival of many others species.
Native Shrubs in the Wildlife Garden
Shrubs are famous for creating year-round interest in the garden, but native shrubs have a super power …
Attract & Support Hummingbirds
The tiny hummingbird has a huge appetite and requires a good deal of fuel for their high metabolism and zippy flight.
About Neonicotinoids
Both targeted and non-targeted insects are affected by neoticotinoids. Any caterpillars that feed on the plants, butterflies that nectar on them, or any bees collecting pollen are at risk when they utilize plants treated with neonicontinoids.
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