Orange Coneflower

Rudbeckia fulgida

Orange Coneflower blooms from midsummer through fall with bold yellow-orange flowers that nearly cover the entire plant. The bloom period can be prolonged by removing spent blossoms …

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Plants 3" Pots
1-4 $7.99 ea.
5-10 $6.99 ea.
11-31 $5.99 ea.
32+ $4.99 ea.
Availability: In stock
Cultural Details
Soil Type Clay, Loam
Soil Moisture Medium
Sun Exposure Full Sun, Partial
Height 2' - 4'
Bloom Color Yellow
Bloom Time July, Aug, Sep
Spacing 1'
Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Root Type Fibrous
Benefits Birds, Butterflies, Pollinators, Host Plant

Orange Coneflower blooms from midsummer through fall with bold yellow-orange flowers that nearly cover the entire plant. The bloom period can be prolonged by removing spent blossoms. Growing from two to four feet high the dense plants have deep green foliage and sturdy stems, with good form all season-long. A good nectar source, Rudbeckia fulgida is visited by butterflies and other pollinating insects. Native to the eastern area of the Midwest, it does best in full sun to light shade in a rich soil. Orange Coneflower prefers consistent moisture and becomes more drought tolerant once established.

Orange Coneflower is a larval host plant for the Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis), and the Wavy-Lined Emerald (Synchlora aerata).