Brown Eyed Susan

Rudbeckia triloba

Brown Eyed Susan offers a profusion of brilliant yellow flowers with jet-black centers blooming from late July up until the first hard frost. This Rudbeckia grows from two to five feet tall, in a bushy habit with an open airy quality. Its lovely …

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In stock
38070-03 / 18070
Plants 3" Pots
1-4 $7.99 ea.
5-10 $6.99 ea.
11-31 $5.99 ea.
32+ $4.99 ea.
Seeds 33,000 seeds/oz
1/4 Oz $8.00
1/2 Oz $12.00
Oz $20.00
Lb $300.00
Cultural Details
Soil Type Clay, Loam, Sand
Soil Moisture Medium, Moist
Sun Exposure Full Sun, Partial
Height 2' - 5'
Bloom Color Yellow
Bloom Time July, Aug, Sep
Spacing 18"
Hardiness Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Root Type Fibrous
Benefits Butterflies, Pollinators, Host Plant
Seeds per Oz 33000
Propagation Dry Stratification
Direct Sowing Spring, Early Summer, Fall

Brown Eyed Susan offers a profusion of brilliant yellow flowers with jet-black centers blooming from late July up until the first hard frost. This Rudbeckia grows from two to five feet tall, in a bushy habit with an open airy quality. Its lovely informal style is an excellent complement to any of the tall native grasses and common prairie wildflowers.

With a native range that extends from New York to Minnesota and south to Utah and Texas, the free-flowering Rudbeckia triloba is a short-lived perennial, and sometimes a biennial, depending upon the locale and conditions. Although short-lived, it self-sows readily on open soil. It prefers moderate moisture, but is very adaptable, and grows in almost any soil in full sun or light shade.

Brown Eyed Susan is a larval host plant for the Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis), and the Wavy-Lined Emerald (Synchlora aerata).