
Viburnum lentago

Nannyberry viburnum is a versatile native shrub, offering year-round interest in the landscape, from the showy white flowers in May to the burgundy autumn leaf color and dark blue berries. A large upright shrub …

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Plants 1 Gallon Pot
1+ $29.99 ea.
Availability: In stock
Cultural Details
Soil Type Clay, Loam
Soil Moisture Medium, Moist
Sun Exposure Full Sun, Partial
Height 15' - 20'
Bloom Color White
Bloom Time May
Spacing 5' - 10'
Zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Root Type Rhizome
Benefits Birds, Pollinators, Host Plant

A versatile native shrub with excellent year-round interest, Nannyberry Viburnum features showy white flowers in May, followed by burgundy leaf color and dark blue berries in autumn. This large upright shrub can spread and form colonies, making it a good choice for a tall privacy screen or hedgerow. It can also be maintained as a small tree by pruning stems and removing the suckers at the base. Adaptable to a wide range of soils, this native viburnum is found in low moist woods or near stream banks, but will tolerate drier sites. Very shade tolerant in nature, it grows larger in open sunny areas.

The caterpillars of numerous small moth species are known to host on Viburnum lentago, which is one reason it is considered a top wildlife plant for nesting birds. Other interesting larval hosts include the Pink Prominent, the Hummingbird Clearwing, and the Green Marvel moth.

Viburnumns tend to flower profusely whether or not pollination occurs. However, poor fruiting will happen if there is only one Viburnum available. The edible berries can be used to make jams and jellies.

Planting and Cultivation Notes
As a general rule, viburnums are not self-fertile, and cross pollination from two shrubs is needed for reliable fruit production. We recommend two to three Nannyberry shrubs for ample fruiting.