Virgin's Bower

Clematis virginiana

Virgin's Bower, Clematis virginiana, is a showy native vine that blooms in a flurry of small white flowers in mid-to-late summer. The long vines can extend up to 10 feet and flower for nearly a month. This avid climber will easily twine around a trellis or fence …

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Plants 3" Pots
1-4 $7.99 ea.
5-10 $6.99 ea.
11-31 $5.99 ea.
32+ $4.99 ea.
Availability: In stock
Cultural Details
Soil Type Clay, Loam, Sand
Soil Moisture Moist, Wet
Sun Exposure Full Sun, Partial, Shade
Height 6' - 10'
Bloom Color White
Bloom Time July, Aug, Sep
Spacing 1'
Hardiness Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Root Type Fibrous
Benefits Pollinators, Host Plant

Virgin's Bower, Clematis virginiana, is a showy native vine that blooms in a flurry of small white flowers in mid-to-late summer. The long vines can extend up to 10 feet and flower for nearly a month. This avid climber will easily twine around a trellis or fence, or tall vegetation and shrubs.

Virgin's Bower is usually dioecious, with male and female flowers produced on separate plants. Abundant flowering occurs regardless of gender, but the showy seedheads are formed from the female flowers. Our plants are unsexed at the time of sale, as they are not yet mature. If your goal is to produce germinable seed from the plants we recommend planting 3-5 individuals to ensure the presence of both sexes, and the necessary cross pollination.

Cematis virginiana is often confused with Clematis paniculata (Sweet Autumn Clematis), a more aggressive Asian species that has escaped cultivation. The plants are easily distiguished by the leaves: The leaves of Virgin's Bower are jagged on the edges, but Sweet Autumn Clematis has rounded leaves. 

Virgin's Bower is a host plant for the Clematis Clearwing Moth, Alcathoe caudata.