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Written by Neil Diboll, these articles (PDFs) offer a wealth of information about native plants and seed mixes …
Burn Your Prairie Safely! (PDF)
Designing Natural Landscapes: Garden Design with Native Prairie Plants (PDF)
Designing Natural Landscapes: Meadow Design with Native Prairie Seed Mixes (PDF)
Establishing Herbaceous Native Woodland Plants (PDF)
Five Steps to Successful Prairie Establishment (PDF)
Management of Prairie Meadows (PDF)
Mowing vs. Burning for Prairie Management (PDF)
Propagation of Herbaceous Native Perennials (PDF)
Site Preparation & Prairie Seeding Methods (PDF)
Step by Step Site Analysis Procedures (PDF)
The American Prairie Landscape: A Sense of Place, a State of Mind (PDF)
Timing a Prescribed Burn (PDF)
Transcending the Garden: The American Prairie Experience (PDF)