Smooth Penstemon

Penstemon digitalis

Penstemon digitalis is one of the few penstemons that thrives in clay. The white flowers bloom for a month or longer, and look great with the blue flowers of Ohio Spiderwort and Blue Eyed Grass. Only three feet high, this clump-forming perennial does …

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In stock
36720-03 / 16720
Plants 3" Pots
1-4 $7.99 ea.
5-10 $6.99 ea.
11-31 $5.99 ea.
32+ $4.99 ea.
Seeds 100,000 seeds/oz
1/4 Oz $10.00
1/2 Oz $15.00
Oz $25.00
Lb $375.00
Cultural Details
Soil Type Clay, Loam, Sand
Soil Moisture Medium, Moist
Sun Exposure Full Sun, Partial
Height 2' - 3'
Bloom Color White
Bloom Time June, July
Spacing 1'
Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Root Type Fibrous
Benefits Birds, Butterflies, Pollinators, Hummingbirds, Host Plant, Deer Resistant
Seeds per Oz 100000
Propagation Moist Stratification
Days to Moist Stratify 30 days
Direct Sowing Fall

Penstemon digitalis is one of the few penstemons that thrives in clay. The white flowers bloom for a month or longer, and look great with the blue flowers of Ohio Spiderwort and Blue Eyed Grass. Only three feet high, this clump-forming perennial does well in full sun to light shade, and tolerates seasonally damp conditions. The tubular flowers attract long-tongued bees such as bumblebees and mason bees, as well as hummingbirds. Other common names include Foxglove Beardtongue and Mississippi Beardtongue.

Smooth Penstemon is a host plant for the Confused Haploa moth (Haploa confusa).