Showiest of the Tick Trefoils, Desmodium canadense is covered with bright purple pea-like flowers in the heat of mid-summer. A deep taproot makes this plant incredibly drought-resistant. A member of the Legume Family, it improves the soil by adding …
Showiest of the Tick Trefoils, Desmodium canadense is covered with bright purple pea-like flowers in the heat of mid-summer. A deep taproot makes this plant incredibly drought-resistant. A member of the Legume Family, Desmodium canadense improves the soil by adding nitrogen, and the seeds are used by a variety of birds and other wildlife. Loves clay, and will grow on any moderately rich well-drained or slightly damp soil. Spreads by means of "stick-tight" seeds.
Native plants can be grown outside of their native range in the appropriate growing conditions. This map shows the native range, as well as the introduced range, of this species.